Planet Friendly Travel-Blue Dasher Journeys
Inspiring sustainable and responsible travel
Explore. Immerse. Respect.

Every year, more than one billion people travel the world. That’s one billion opportunities to create change and leave a lasting impact. One billion opportunities to change and reach your potential.

But in order for this change to be positive, we must be conscious and intentional in the way we travel. When we travel without care or concern, we can cause irreparable damage to the environments and communities we visit. But if we harness our explorations as a force for good and embrace sustainable practices, we can combat some of the world’s most pressing issues and protect the destinations and communities that are the heart of travel. 


What can I do?
There is a theory that we already know what to do, we all just need to participate.

Every day, every where you can:

Turn off lights and appliances you are not using.

Reduce your intake of beef and seafood, as these industries contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Turning off taps and taking shorter showers; or planting low maintenance landscaping

Declining plastic bags, and carry a reusable water bottle, straw, and flatware set.

When traveling:

Fly direct, fly in Economy, pack lightly and take longer vacations to reduce the number of flights. Consider taking trains and buses when possible. 

Choose eco-friendly accommodations and activities.

Choose local guides, and support local businesses when choosing where to spend your tourist dollar.

It sounds uncomfortable, maybe un-vacation-like. Let me help you try one thing differently.

Thank you for considering making a change.

Planet Friendly travel is possible!
Every little bit helps, to not having the towels changed to taking a local bus instead of a taxi. It all works towards a difference.

While sustainable travel can be more expensive, it also can be more immersive, more genuine, and more fulfilling. Let's explore your options.